February 2025
long live diversity!
What is happening right now is fierce: Trump is torpedoing the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, leading companies are caving in and cancelling their DEI targets. European democracies are dangerously shifting to the right, and Musk tweets ‘Only the AfD can save Germany’. Society is becoming increasingly divided. At the same time, hundreds of […]

December 2024
be human. when it counts.
Christmas and the time in between the years are a good time to pause and reflect on this year. How did you experience 2024? How much are you affected by world events and the political situation in your own country? And are you taking any professional challenges with you into the holidays? With this very personal […]

September 2024
equine guided education. what we can learn from horses
We have just enjoyed an exciting week of workshops in late summer in the Lüneburger Heide. And as always, the coaching sessions with the horses were the highlights for the participants. After all, you’re smarter afterwards. And changed in a positive way. But before that, our work with horses is often questioned. Why do we […]

June 2024
why equilibrio starts with eq.
What do you think? Does it make sense to share your emotions with your employees? Or is it better to stay on a purely rational level? Many leaders avoid showing their feelings in the workplace. They think that vulnerability will be interpreted as weakness and that they will ultimately be seen as soft, incompetent and […]

April 2024
how nature heals
Hooray, it’s spring! Nature is green and awake, the birds are singing and the days are finally longer again. We want to go out, smell the forest and feel the sun on our skin. That’s good and healthy. Because nature heals us, energises us, and brings us back to balance. In this newsletter, we take you out […]

February 2024
ai or i am? what it means to be human.
Artificial intelligence is changing our (working) world. Fundamentally and rapidly. For most of us, the question is to what extent AI will influence our own job. In this newsletter, we too look at this omnipresent topic, but focus on human qualities. Because it is precisely these qualities that make the difference to intelligent technology. We […]

December 2023
family business
Christmas is the festive season for families. Are you looking forward to spending time with your loved ones? And are you enjoying the quiet days in between the years? We also celebrate Christmas with presents on Christmas Eve, but in combination with a good Dutch tradition. After Christmas dinner, we give each other small presents, […]

November 2023
more eco, less ego. together, we can create a better world
Now that the days are getting shorter and darker, our energy levels are also falling. That makes it all the more important to get out and soak up nature. Nature and community are fundamentally important to us. Research confirms that people who are close to nature suffer less from stress, anxiety and depression, feel better […]

September 2023
Japan, ikigai and equilibrio
Travelling is always a source of inspiration. Did you explore another country this summer? I was lucky enough to travel to Japan with my family and want to share some experiences with you today. What immediately strikes you in Japan is the peace, safety and cleanliness. The streets, public toilets and parks are extremely clean, […]

July 2023
Stay connected.
Are you currently in home office or on-site in the office? And how does flexible working function in your environment? The pandemic has accelerated digitalisation and changed the way we work. While home office used to be a privilege, it is now everyday life in many companies and organisations.* On the one hand, it’s great […]

May 2023
We are even more us.
Constructive feedback is extremely important because it shows us what we ourselves do not see so that we can change things for the better. In the case of our communication feedback from two participants in our programme set the ball rolling. After taking part in an equilibrio workshop in Sardinia the owners of a communication […]

April 2023
leadership starts with you.
In times of New Work, self-leadership is a highly demanded competence and therefore also a much-discussed topic. But how does self-leadership work? Does it bring you forward? And is self-leadership crucial for the success of your team? Tommaso’s beautiful metaphor on self-leadership is: Are you the thermostat or the thermometer? Because as the thermostat, you […]

March 2023
what inspires you?
Inspiration is usually found when you keep an open mind and try something new. To get inspired, we expanded our radius and spent a few days with four very different young women of various nationalities who already knew equilibrio. We were simply curious about what interests, drives and inspires them and what we can learn […]

January 2023
up for something new? so are we.
Did you have a good start to the new year? And have you already made plans? The beginning of the year is a good time to boost your own development, because now the “awakening phase” is the time for new beginnings. We have a desire for something new and are ready to take off. We […]

December 2022
are you ready for the completion?
2022 is coming to an end. How did you experience this year? Have you already reviewed it and thought about how you can conclude it in a good way? Nature going into winter sleep is an important phase of completion after waking up in spring, growing in summer and reaching harvest time in autumn. So […]

November 2022
the power of now.
How do you feel – now, at this moment? Probably like most in these challenging times. The terrible war, inflation, energy crisis and last but not least rising Corona numbers are valid reasons to worry about the future. But how can you switch off the racing mind? How do you manage to be focused and […]
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our newsletter.
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