January 2023

up for something new? so are we.

Did you have a good start to the new year? And have you already made plans? The beginning of the year is a good time to boost your own development, because now the “awakening phase” is the time for new beginnings. We have a desire for something new and are ready to take off. We at equilibrio are also entering the new year full of energy and, in addition to our regular programme, are now offering virtual workshop programmes which we will introduce to you in this newsletter.

What do I want to change? What is the next step? In which direction do I want to go? It is often the case that you know what you don’t want, but only have a very vague idea of the direction you might adopt. This is how Dörte felt when she joined equilibrio at the end of 2021. In an interview, the current consultant describes how she experienced the equilibrio programme and the impact the programme had on her. Thank you, dear Dörte, for your candid words and for being part of our community.

Are you wondering where you could go next? We are at your service and look forward to many exciting and inspiring workshops in 2023.

giving direction to change.
a conversation with dörte abild

Dörte with one of our coaches at the equilibrio Refresh Session in January 2023 in the Lüneburger Heide. After a workshop with the horses, your head, your heart and your gut are once again in balance.

Dörte came to equilibrio during a period of change. Despite her successful career, the international HR manager felt she was treading water. She left her job to take a sabbatical and find out what she wanted to do in the future. In the interview, the current consultant describes how equilibrio influenced her decision-making.

equilibrio: “Dear Dörte, why did you decide to take part in the equilibrio programme?“

Dörte: I have many ideas and I always see opportunities for change everywhere, be it in my job or in life as a whole. Logically and practically, I know how to find a solution for almost everything, but the feeling and intuition have often fallen by the wayside. I wanted to change that.

equilibrio: “What did you learn from the horses?”

Dörte: The horses’ reaction is so real and unfiltered, which we probably rarely experience in normal life. To see and to feel what is possible when we connect with the horses is very emotional. I often remember this sensation in everyday life. And suddenly I find myself in front of the horses in the pasture and think to myself: stay in the now, just be yourself, and do and say what you feel.

equilibrio: “What has changed through equilibrio?”

Dörte: Some peace and calm have returned. Of course, my job has not become less challenging, and my head is still full of ideas, which is a good thing. However, I notice how my emotions are becoming more and more my inner compass. This doesn’t happen by itself, but I can practise again and again to keep my compass switched on. I find that very reassuring.

equilibrio: “Thank you, Dörte, for your insights!”

ready for something new.
our virtual workshop formats.

Only those who are willing to change remain true to themselves. To be even more connected with you all, we are now offering two virtual workshop sessions to complement our existing equilibrio programme.

virtual natural leadership
refresh session

An equilibrio workshop has an impact in your life. It is important to stay connected and to integrate what you have learned in your daily life. Our virtual refresh session is for all who have already participated in a Natural Leadership Workshop and offers you new impulses, valuable feedback and exercises that you can practice regularly. The exchange within the equilibrio community is a real enrichment because you learn with and from each other and expand your network. Simply register now.

virtual natural leadership
introduction session

What can I expect in a Natural Leadership Workshop? And how does coaching with the horses work? In our new virtual iIntroduction sSession, you get to know us and better understand the role of the horses. In a Lumina cCoaching session we first identify your strengths, preferences and personal development goals. During the virtual iIntroduction Ssession you receive important impulses from Tommaso about your deeper emotions and gain an impression of what coaching with the horses can achieve. You are thus perfectly prepared to enjoy our workshops in person and in nature.

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read in equilibrio:
our newsletter.

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