December 2022

are you ready for the completion?

2022 is coming to an end. How did you experience this year? Have you already reviewed it and thought about how you can conclude it in a good way? Nature going into winter sleep is an important phase of completion after waking up in spring, growing in summer and reaching harvest time in autumn. So take the time to reflect, to look at where you are and to finish things before you start again in the new year. We are happy to support you in this. In our leadership programme we focus on the different phases of development and find out where you are and where you can go.
We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful pre-Christmas season and much success in concluding 2022.

the rhythm of excitement

based on the Dr. Richard Strozzi-Heckler model.

The cycle of nature can be applied to all situations in life, and of course to your professional situation. Are you at the beginning of your career or are you starting in another position? And can you find your way in your new environment? Are you in an important development phase? And can you fulfil your potential and that of your team? Have you already achieved successes? And are you harvesting the fruits of your work? Or is it time to end something professionally and, for example, start anew somewhere else?

It is extremely important to consider these four phases in your activities and to find out whether the current situation is good for you or whether you should change something. Only in this way can you be in balance and lead yourself, full of strength, into the future.

where are you and
where do you want to go?

Good coaching starts with you. With your strengths and your needs. With the Lumina Learning Tools we start with an assessment, look at where you are now, and together we then define your personal development objective. In our workshops we focus on the four phases of growth and make you aware of how you act. In an exercise with the horse, you go through the entire cycle from establishing contact and taking the first steps (awakening), through continuous movement (increasing) and a faster pace (containment), to the common completion. During this process it becomes clear what comes naturally for you and where challenges lie. This is because the horse directly reflects your emotions and hidden hurdles in its behaviour. Supported by Equine Guided Education Coach Tommaso, you gain important insights into your leadership style and see what you still need to work on, enabling you to apply what you have learned to your everyday work.

“it must be” by ludwig van beethoven.

Letting go and bringing something to an end has always been a difficult task. Ludwig van Beethoven asked in the final movement of his last string quartet Opus 135 in October 1826 “Must it be?”, and answered, not without irony, “It must be.” Simply listen to it, or preferably the entire string quartet. It must be!

Ludwig van Beethofen “Es muss sein”

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