June 2024

why equilibrio starts with eq.

What do you think? Does it make sense to share your emotions with your employees? Or is it better to stay on a purely rational level? Many leaders avoid showing their feelings in the workplace. They think that vulnerability will be interpreted as weakness and that they will ultimately be seen as soft, incompetent and less assertive. However, the exclusive focus on rationality and intellect means that these managers are not perceived as human, isolate themselves and lose their connection to the team.

Leadership needs emotional intelligence. And leaders need techniques to recognise their deep-seated emotions, deal with them consciously and lead effectively and  in a human way. We have developed a method to do exactly this, which we present to you in this newsletter. Lead your emotions in equilibrio.

People are far more than just rationality. If you don’t have good access to your emotions and only focus on work content, without paying attention to the people around you, you will lose the connection. To yourself and to your team. Isolated from others, you can’t evaluate how individuals are doing, what they are achieving and how the team as a whole is functioning. It’s almost impossible to see the bigger picture.

At the same time, others are aware of your emotions. You can’t hide them. Feelings unconsciously determine our actions. Enthusiasm and compassion motivate and create a connection. On the other hand, fear and insecurity make us appear passive. We are not perceived as leaders. In addition, it can happen that we act out negative feelings that have deep-rooted causes, become angry or even insulting.

Emotional intelligence is the key to trustworthy, authentic and effective leadership. We have developed a method to help you become aware of your emotions and develop your leadership skills and emotional intelligence.

lead your emotions in equilibrio.

Our work begins with Lumina Emotion. Here we create access to your feelings and enable you to express them in an appreciative language. The individual Lumina Emotion Portrait shows which emotions resonate most deeply with you and which less.

Here is an example: people with a high level of resilience thrive under pressure and have a high tolerance for stress in their life. If this trait is overextended, it is possible that their lack of stress perception makes them appear unconcerned and indifferent to others and they may lack a sense of urgency in certain situations.

with the profile to the pros. working with the horses.

Once we have created your portrait and defined your development goal, we do a reality check in coaching with the horses. We observe how you react emotionally when you meet the horses. Do the horses pay attention to you and do you connect with them? We then put you under pressure. This allows you to experience how your body reacts in a stressful situation, which feelings are triggered and how your emotional behaviour becomes unbalanced.

In the next step, we bring ratio, intuition and emotion together and explore the underlying causes of your emotional behaviour. Building on this, we develop exercises together that help you to control your own emotional behaviour.

A further step towards self-management. You can embrace your emotions and consciously deal with them. This allows you to be perceived authentically, build trust and lead your team as a natural leader in a human and effective way.

try for yourself. lumina emotion portrait free of charge.

Are you interested in developing your emotional intelligence?  Get in touch through our contact page – preferably now. The first five interested persons will receive a coaching and a personal Lumina Emotion portrait free of charge.

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