lead yourself. the rest will follow.
the equilibrio programme.
Our holistic leadership programme equilibrio accompanies you intellectually, emotionally and spiritually on your forward path. The unique combination of scientifically validated development tools, with coaching within a natural environment and the internationally established Equine Guided Education brings about sustainable change. You build resilience, act authentically and learn to lead yourself and others naturally. Sounds exciting? It certainly is. So register yourself or your team for one of our workshops, and experience how much power it releases to be completely with yourself and in equilibrio.
workshops & dates:

natural leadership programme
Our multi-day leadership programme in the Lüneburger Heide (near Hamburg) or on Sardinia makes a lasting difference. After preparation with Lumina Learning Tools, it’s time to get out of the daily routine and into nature. The low-stimulus environment makes it easy to recover. During the coaching sessions in nature and with the horses you become aware of your body language and emotions and are confronted with how you act under stress. You will learn methods to increase presence and resilience and to experience your natural leadership. Finally, we reflect on how to integrate the knowledge you have gained into your everyday life.

natural leadership inspiration session
In our introduction session you gain impulses for your leadership style and your personal development. In order to define your goal, you receive coaching in advance with a Lumina personality portrait. On the day itself, we focus on your non-verbal communication and emotions with the support of horses. Finally, we reflect on how you can integrate the newly gained knowledge into your everyday life.
The session is compact and intensive. We recommend an overnight stay and dinner together after the workshop to gain maximum benefit from the day.
Arrival, catch-up and dinner together the evening before

natural leadership one-to-one session
Our One-to-One session is particularly intensive and individual. A one-day workshop with Ingrid and Tommaso, developed especially for you and therefore tailored to your needs. Whether you wish to learn about our programme in a very tight setting or work on your personal issue - we are happy to be there for you.
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 07 April
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 09 April
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 06 June
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 11 July
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 12 September
Arrival, catch-up and diner together on 10 October

natural leadership refresh session
Whether you want to check your commitment or need energy and new impulses: the one-day Refresh Session is the inspiration for all those who have already participated in our Leadership Programme. Through coaching with Ingrid and Tommaso, the horses and exchange in the small group, you gain clarity and will be able to tackle challenges in a highly focused way.
Arrival, catch-up and dinner together the evening before
“Our community has shown us how important it is to stay on the ball. That’s why we also offer digital workshops.”
virtual natural leadership refresh session
An equilibrio workshop has an impact in your life. To integrate what you have learned in your daily life it is important to stay connected. Our virtual refresh session is for all who have already participated in a Natural Leadership Workshop offers you new impulses, valuable feedback and exercises that you can practice regularly. The exchange within the equilibrio community is a real enrichment – you learn with and from each other and expand your network.
virtual natural leadership introduction session
What can I expect in a Natural Leadership Workshop? And how does coaching with the horses work? In our virtual introduction session, you get to know us and better understand the role of the horses. In a Lumina coaching session we initially identify your strengths, preferences and personal development goals. During the session you receive important impulses about your deeper emotions and gain an impression of what coaching with the horses can achieve. You are thus perfectly prepared to enjoy our workshops in nature.
start leading yourself.
Would you like to know more about us and our workshops? Simply register for a free preliminary chat for us get to know each other.