In our highly technical world, leaders are needed who are authentic, empathic and resilient. Our holistic leadership program equilibrio supports you in finding your purpose and unfold your individual natural leadership. Authentic, present and convincing, you will be perceived as a Natural Leader and will be able to shape the future together with your team. Welcome to our website. Take a look around and let us know how we can support you and your team.
Ingrid & Tommaso
A state of emotional and intellectual equilibrium, as all acting forces are in balance.

discover potential,
build strengths,
lead naturally.
equilibrio uncovers hidden potentials, accesses the emotions and helps you to become aware of your strengths and personal leadership qualities.
equine guided education. horses are the best coaches.
Horses react sensitively to humans and directly reflect our emotions and thoughts in their behaviour. In Equine Guided Education (EGE) we utilise the intuition and sensitivity of horses to become aware of own emotions and to attain presence.

read in equilibrio:
our newsletter.
Become part of the equilibrio community and subscribe to our newsletter with interesting leadership topics and information about our workshops.

“We give people a protected space
in which they can open up and develop.”
Ingrid Wouda Kuipers
In equilibrio, we combine our knowledge in business leadership and consultancy, systemic coaching and Equine Guided Education to create a holistic leadership programme that accompanies people intellectually, emotionally and spiritually on their forward paths.
workshops & dates
natural leadership programme
natural leadership one-to-one session
virtual natural leadership refresh session
welcome to the age of impact.
Would you like to learn more about our leadership programme, and are you interested in a workshop? We look forward to hearing from you.