September 2024

equine guided education. what we can learn from horses

We have just enjoyed an exciting week of workshops in late summer in the Lüneburger Heide. And as always, the coaching sessions with the horses were the highlights for the participants. After all, you’re smarter afterwards. And changed in a positive way. But before that, our work with horses is often questioned. Why do we need horses? What is their added value? Do I have to be able to handle horses well or even ride them? 
That’s why we want to explain to you in this newsletter what Equine Guided Education is, what function the horses have and what possibilities coaching with horses offers. In a personal interview, Tommaso talks about his passion for horses and what he has learned from them. You will discover how rewarding it is to explore new terrain together with the horses and with us.

equine guided education. why horses are the best coaches.

Equine Guided Education (EGE) was developed by Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi in California at the end of the 1980s. The horsewoman discovered that horses can reveal the development process of humans fast and with very profound results. The reason for this is that horses perceive us humans as part of their environment. They sense our energy and react sensitively to every change. They directly reflect our emotions and body language in their behaviour. 

EGE utilises the intuition and sensitivity of horses. The EGE coach helps you to connect emotionally with the horse, puts you under targeted pressure and translates the animals’ non-judgemental feedback. You become aware of your body language, learn to be present and to lead the horse naturally. The experience of leading naturally and effectively will change you and enrich your leadership style enormously.


three questions for tommaso migliozzi,
equilibrio partner and ege-coach.

Equine Guided Education Coach Tommaso Migliozzi has an highly unusual gift of being able to concisely perceive emotions and to read people’s body language. The passionate horseman lived in California for several years, where he was trained by EGE pioneer Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi to support managers and teams in their personal and team development for more than 10 years now. In this interview, Tommaso talks about his experiences with Equine Guided Education and why he views people in coaching in the same way as horses do.

Where does your passion for horses come from?

My grandfather, after a long and legendary poker night, won a horse, a racehorse. It was a colt of 6 years old called Kimbo. Kimbo was my Christmas present from my grandfather and then it became the sake of my young life. At that time I was only 10 years old, but I was very committed to ride Kimbo. After all I did ride Kimbo and many other horses and became a horseman in this way.

How did you become an Equine Guided Education Coach?

For my job I was in San Francisco area as a morning rider for an important racehorse stable in Petaluma. There I met Ashley Cameron Smith, a charming horsewoman, who introduced me to Skyhorse Ranch. There Ariana Strozzi offered me to start watching the world through the horses eyes; I did and I did love it!

What is the most important lesson you have learnt from the horses?

The list is always in progress, but for sure the three most important practices in my life coming from the horses are: be present, be open and be connected!

what we have learnt from the horses.

Participants of the equilibrio programme talk about their experiences.

“There were so many learnings during the session but I think the most important one is to recognise when we become a “factor” for another being. The horse provides an accurate opportunity to develop your mindfulness and self-awareness.” Carlos

“The horses have shown me what is possible when you are connected with yourself and with others.“ Dagmar 

“You can learn a lot about your own effectiveness from horses. How important presence and clarity are in order to create trust and lead the way as an effective leader. Horses have taught me how much energy I have inside me and how I can call on it when it matters.” Klemens 

“From the horses I have learned how important it is to consciously complete activities and not be afraid that nothing will follow. This way, I feel fulfilled what I have achieved and gain energy and desire to start something new.”  Marie

Are you leading your life? Or is it leading you? asks Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi. In her bestseller, the author and EGE pioneer explains how horses become our teachers by reflecting our inner world and changing our self-perception. She shows what it means to lead ourselves by making conscious decisions instead of merely reacting to the pressures of life.

Equilibrio provides the all-important reality check. The non-judgmental feedback of the horses is the basis for reflection, optimisation and internalisation of the natural leadership style.
At our location Forellenhof, we work with four horses that have never been ridden by humans. They live together as a small herd and act naturally – with each other and with us humans. The experience of working with them and growing personally through their feedback will have a lasting effect on you. So, get out of your comfort zone and give it a try.

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